£2K to invest buys me 119 shares in these 2 stocks for a second income!

Looking to create a second income with dividend paying stocks, our writer explains how a £2K investment can get her started.

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When investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in.

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I reckon a second income stream is a very realistic possibility from buying dividend paying stocks. However, it’s worth remembering that dividends are never guaranteed. With that in mind, I’m looking for quality stocks with as safe a level of return as possible.

For example, if I had £2K to invest right now, I could buy 119 shares of National Grid (LSE: NG.) and Unilever (LSE: ULVR).

A breakdown

National Grid is the owner and operator of the gas and electricity transmission in the UK. It has no competitors, which is an added advantage.

Should you invest £1,000 in National Grid right now?

When investing expert Mark Rogers has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the flagship Motley Fool Share Advisor newsletter he has run for nearly a decade has provided thousands of paying members with top stock recommendations from the UK and US markets. And right now, Mark thinks there are 6 standout stocks that investors should consider buying. Want to see if National Grid made the list?

See the 6 stocks

Unilever is one of the largest consumer goods businesses in the world with a great reach as well as immense brand power.

With £1K I could buy 94 shares of National Grid shares at £10.54 a share. With the other thousand pounds, I could buy 25 shares in Unilever for £39.21 a share.

As the chart below shows, both stocks have been hurt by macroeconomic volatility. However, this turbulence has just made the shares cheaper, and more attractive to me!

Created with Highcharts 11.4.3National Grid Plc + Unilever PriceZoom1M3M6MYTD1Y5Y10YALLwww.fool.co.uk

Bullish traits and risks to note

For me, the dividend yield on offer, as well as the current valuation of both stocks is enticing. The table below breaks down how both shares look like good value for money using the price-to-earnings method of valuing shares.

CompanyDividend YieldP/E Ratio
National Grid5.48%5

From a bullish perspective, National Grid’s lack of competitors means that revenue and investor returns often remain pretty stable. This is attractive for me as a dividend seeker. In addition to this, energy is a requirement for all, which offers the stock a great defensive ability.

On the other side of the coin, maintenance of an expensive piece of key infrastructure can be expensive. This could hurt payout levels. Furthermore, there is a looming spectre that the government could intervene and look to cap its investor return levels.

Taking a closer look at Unilever, it’s brand power and profile is enviable. It covers household goods, food, and more across the globe. A recent strategic review could catapult performance and returns to new heights. The firm is looking to dispose of lesser performing brands and invest further into better performing ones.

Conversely, as the recent cost-of-living crisis has shown, consumers are looking to make their budgets stretch further. The allure of cheaper non-branded essentials could hurt Unilever’s performance. Plus, soaring costs and shipping issues could dent it too. I’ll keep an eye on updates on this front.

Reinvesting dividends

It’s worth mentioning that if I want to bolster my second income stream, I could reinvest my dividends received into more shares of these stocks, or other dividend paying stocks too. Plus, I could look to invest regularly, a set amount a month for example, into such stocks to help speed up my goals.

Right now I don’t have two grand lying around. However, the above example is how it is entirely possible to buy quality dividend stocks, on a good valuation, with defensive and attractive traits to achieve a passive income.

Should you invest £1,000 in National Grid right now?

When investing expert Mark Rogers has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the flagship Motley Fool Share Advisor newsletter he has run for nearly a decade has provided thousands of paying members with top stock recommendations from the UK and US markets.

And right now, Mark thinks there are 6 standout stocks that investors should consider buying. Want to see if National Grid made the list?

See the 6 stocks

Should you invest, the value of your investment may rise or fall and your capital is at risk. Before investing, your individual circumstances should be assessed. Consider taking independent financial advice.

Sumayya Mansoor has no position in any of the shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has recommended Unilever Plc. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.

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